Where we help
Our work is divided in two areas of activity: support in emergency situations and mobile hospitals in developing countries.
Support in emergency situations in Germany
Furthermore we become active upon the input of communities, social institutions, and other charitable foundations. We cooperate with social services departments and youth welfare offices in Bavaria, an active exchange on special cases is also planned with hospitals. In addition we receive suggestions on individual cases from the Münchner Tafel and from all the supporters of Help in Motion.
All requests will be recorded and examined by our staff. For this purpose we will visit the people concerned at home, in order to evaluate the situation and needs. A precast check list has to be filled out by our visiting staff member. Possibly we need to ask for further certificates and information to estimate the situation realistically. The executive board decides whom Help in Motion can help and with what measures.
Unfortunately Help in Motion cannot help in all cases. We select due to our knowledge and possibilities. The Idea is to support people, who suffered a stroke of fate and are in an emergency situation, with medical, therapeutical, social or other supporting measures. Help in Motion does not offer financial support.
Mobile hospitals in Developing Countries
We drive in convoy – existing of a mobile hospital, a sleeping truck and an escort vehicle for the camera crew – to those regions that were selected by our staff, the local departments of health and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in a demand analysis. In advance consent is to be obtained also from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the regional administration, the respective council of elders, the mayor and the medicine men. At each stop we provide free medical examinations and first care, e.g. in the areas of gynecology, dental medicine, ophthalmology and general medicine. A surgery for minor operations is also possible. Upon consulting with the respective ministry of health the medical and technical equipment of the mobile hospital will match the specific needs of each country. In African countries for example, HIV testing and consulting will be an inherent part of our activities, but always integrated in the existing Anti-HIV programs.
In all of our activities we emphasize constructive cooperation with the existing health care system, meaning local hospitals, doctors, nurses and medical faculties of the resident universities. At best our mobile hospital will be staffed to a great extent with local doctors. In that way we want to ensure the sustainability of our activities. Also the support and approval of the local population is a very important element of our services and is included in the whole planning process of a project. We do not want to appear as strangers or missionaries.